Steps to do:
- fork in GitHub the repository (lockedata/namer) that contains the package for which you want to create a pull request. The new repository is called HanOostdijk/namer
- clone the (forked!) package to your local machine. In RStudio this can be done with File|New Project|Version Control|Git and specify as Repository URL the value found in the Clone or Download box on FitHub
- create a branch that I will name HOQC1 by typing in the terminal window git checkout -b HOQC1. After a restart of the project it is visible in RStudio that this is a new branch
- make changes in HOQC1
- commit the changes local and then push with git push origin HOQC1
- submit PR on the GitHub site
- after discussion changes were applied to the HOQC1 branch on the GitHub sit. Retrieve these by using git pull origin HOQC1
- at the end remove branch HOQC1 or the whole fork or sync fork
Sync fork after changes (see Syncing a fork) and Configuring a remote for a fork. In short :
- check remotes :
git remote -v
- add upstream :
git remote add upstream
- check remotes :
git remote -v
- fetch upstream:
git fetch upstream
- checkout local master:
git checkout master
- merge upstream with local:
git merge upstream/master
- do a push to the github repository
If there were no other local changes then alternative is to remove the forked repositories (local and github) and create new ones.