Date last run: 11Aug2021
When an updated version of the tesseract package became available I realised that a post about working with magick and tesseract was possibly no longer valid. So I thought I should create a new post with a reference to the old one, but then I realised that the old .Rmd
file would be rendered anyway with the new package.
Browsing the internet I found a post by Hiroaki Yutani that learned me how to custom build the website with the build
script. My idea was to change that script in such a way that it would honor a blacklist: .Rmarkdown
or .Rmd
files in that list would not be rendered (again).
After coding this I realized that I got into problems because of the two ways I use the rendering facilities of blogdown
: sometimes I use the 'Serve Site'
addin and sometimes I use the blogdown::build_site function directly.
By setting the blogdown.method
option to 'custom'
and using an adapted form of Hiroaki’s script I ensure that the result of the rendering is always an .md
file, avoiding in this way the problem that mixing of the two rendering methods sometimes led to duplicate entries in the list with posts and notes.
The ways for rendering the contents
For both ways the parameter method
is set to 'custom'
because that is set as default value by the option blogdown.method
in .Rprofile . This ensures that the build script is used in both cases. So we have the two ways:
- the addin
'Serve Site'
. Use this when you just want to look if your posts/notes look correct when you are editing. The website will be built with the blogdown::build_site function with parameterlocal=T
and therefore also drafts will be shown. - the blogdown::build_site function with the default parameters. Use this when you are ready with the current version of the website. The website will be built with parameter
and therefore drafts will not be shown.
Code changes
To get it working I had to apply the following changes
The blogdown::build_site function
This function was not changed, but is displayed here because it makes clear why the other functions and script were changed the way they are now. Because the variable method
is set to 'custom'
(due to the blogdown.method
in .Rprofile) the function only passes control to our build script.
function (local = FALSE, method = c("html", "custom"), run_hugo = TRUE,
build_rmd = FALSE)
if (missing(method))
method = getOption("blogdown.method", method)
method = match.arg(method)
on.exit(run_script("R/build.R", as.character(local)), add = TRUE)
if (method == "custom")
if (!xfun::isFALSE(build_rmd)) {
if (is.character(build_rmd) && length(build_rmd) == 1) {
build_rmd = switch(build_rmd, timestamp = timestamp_filter,
md5sum = md5sum_filter, build_rmd)
files = if (is.character(build_rmd))
else {
files = list_rmds("content", TRUE)
if (is.function(build_rmd))
else {
if (length(files))
getOption("blogdown.files_filter", identity)(files)
if (run_hugo)
on.exit(hugo_build(local), add = TRUE)
on.exit(run_script("R/build2.R", as.character(local)), add = TRUE)
<bytecode: 0x0000000012f2ca78>
<environment: namespace:blogdown>
The .Rprofile file
The .Rprofile
file was added to set some options
for the blogdown
The first two (
) are standard options for theNew Post
add-in.The third option (
) is an option that determines how the blogdown::build_site function will work. I have set it to'custom'
what means that the function will leave all the rendering work to the build script and only afterwards will build the website.The
option lists the.Rmarkdown
files that never should be rendered by build. In this way you can avoid triggering a rendering when a file is accidentially touched.# .Rprofile dataset for my_website_xmin project # use version 0.21.34 of blogdown library('blogdown',lib.loc="D:/Tools/R/OldPackages/") # list with RMD files that will not be rerendered : blacklist = c( '2019-08-01-rendering-only-modified-posts.Rmarkdown', '2019-06-26-scanning-documents-with-tesseract-after-preprocessing-with-magick.Rmd', '2019-10-27-printing-music-scores.Rmd') # blogdown defaults options( blogdown.serve_site.startup = FALSE, # major changes blogdown 0.21 blogdown.new_bundle = FALSE, # major changes blogdown 0.21 blogdown.ext = ".Rmd", # default for 'New Post' = "Han Oostdijk", # default for 'New Post' blogdown.method = "custom", # default for 'blogdown::build_site' blogdown.hugo.dir = 'C:/Users/Han/AppData/Roaming/Hugo_0_57_2/', # to ensure use of stable version # blogdown.hugo.args = "--verbose", # testing only blogdown.HOQC.blacklist = blacklist # used in R\build.R ) # remove temporary objects remove(list = c('blacklist')) # execute global .Rprofile when this exists if (file.exists('~/.Rprofile')) sys.source('~/.Rprofile', envir = environment())
The build script
This is the version derived from the script by Hiroaki Yutani.
# script called from blogdown::build_site (see help info there)
# build_site should then be called as
# blogdown::build_site(local = FALSE, method = "custom")
# adopted from
# added removal of existing html and markdown files
# added handling of Rmarkdown files (like .Rmd files)
# added a blacklist
# (passed from original session via option 'blogdown.HOQC.blacklist')
# catch "local" arg passed from blogdown::build_site()
# inserted remove of existing html and markdown files
to_unlink_files <- list.files("content", "\\.html$|\\.markdown$",
recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
for (to_unlink_file in to_unlink_files) {
# local : T from serv_site and F from build_site
local <- commandArgs(TRUE)[1]
# set common options ofr knitr
base.dir = normalizePath("static/", mustWork = TRUE),
base.url = "/"
cache.path = normalizePath("cache/", mustWork = TRUE),
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>"
# list up Rmd files
Rmd_files <- list.files("content", "\\.Rmd$|\\.Rmarkdown$",
recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
# inserted section to avoid handling of blacklisted Rmd-type files
blacklist <- getOption('blogdown.HOQC.blacklist',c())
blacklisted <- purrr::map_lgl(Rmd_files,
~ any(stringr::str_detect(.,blacklist)))
# message("blacklist: \n ", paste(Rmd_files[blacklisted], collapse = "\n "))
Rmd_files <- Rmd_files[!blacklisted]
# list up md files
out_files <- sub("\\.Rmd$|\\.Rmarkdown$", ".md", Rmd_files)
names(out_files) <- Rmd_files
# knit it when:
# 1) the correspondent md file does not exist yet
# 2) the Rmd file was updated after the last time md file had been generated
needs_knitted <- !file.exists(out_files) | utils::file_test("-ot", out_files, Rmd_files)
#needs_knitted <- rep(TRUE,length(Rmd_files)) # to force all to be knitted
# message("skip: \n ", paste(Rmd_files[!needs_knitted], collapse = "\n "))
for (rmd in Rmd_files[needs_knitted]) {
base_name <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(rmd))
fig.path = glue::glue("post/{base_name}_files/figure-html/")
knitr::knit(input = rmd, output = out_files[rmd], encoding = "UTF-8")
# local : T from serv_site and F from build_site
# T : with drafts, F : no drafts in website in public
blogdown::hugo_build(local = local)
This document was produced on 11Aug2021 with the following R environment:
#> R version 4.1.0 (2021-05-18)
#> Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
#> Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19042)
#> Matrix products: default
#> locale:
#> [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252
#> [2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252
#> [3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
#> [5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252
#> attached base packages:
#> [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
#> other attached packages:
#> [1] blogdown_0.21.34
#> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#> [1] compiler_4.1.0 magrittr_2.0.1 tools_4.1.0 glue_1.4.2 stringi_1.7.3
#> [6] knitr_1.33 stringr_1.4.0 xfun_0.24 rlang_0.4.11 evaluate_0.14
#> [11] purrr_0.3.4